In order to get the work done, sometimes you’ve got to think outside of the box. Instead of using earth-moving equipment that can cost upward of $100,000 for a single job, many businesses are finding great utility in Komatsu PC650LC-11 Excavators . The compact size and versatility of this equipment makes it well suited for a wide range of jobs. These specific machines are often used for moving objects and materials that are too large to be moved with other earth-moving machinery. Additionally, their lighter weight makes them ideal for transporting materials over long distances by train or truck, where they can shave off significant travel time as opposed to shipping via a sea route.
Komatsu PC650LC-11-Our company has been in the construction equipment business for over a century and we’ve seen many changes take place in this industry.
Kuidas saab kolmanda osapoole rendiettevõte teie ettevõtet aidata
Meie ettevõte on ehitusseadmete alal tegutsenud üle sajandi ja oleme näinud selles valdkonnas palju muutusi. Nende muudatuste kaudu oleme õppinud, et meie klientide vajadused peavad olema alati esikohal, et olla edukad. Oleme oma äri üles ehitanud kindlale alusele, et pakkuda oma klientidele õigel ajal õigeid seadmeid ja pakkuda eeskujulikku klienditeenindust.
Oleme uhked, et oleme üks vähestest ettevõtetest, kes pakub iga töö jaoks täielikku rentimise tehnikat. Olenemata sellest, kas vajate oma järgmise projekti jaoks teeparandustehnikat või ehitusmaterjale, aitame teil töö tehtud. Meie kogenud spetsialistide meeskond töötab teiega algusest lõpuni, et tagada kõigi teie vajaduste rahuldamine.

Komatsu PC650LC-11-One thing that hasn’t changed is that Komatsu excavators are still the workhorses of choice when it comes to heavy lifting jobs such as digging trenches or clearing land.
Veel eelmise aasta augustis teatasime, et üks suurimaid rasketehnika ja ehitusmasinate tootjaid Komatsu investeeris 45 miljonit dollarit uude koostetehasesse Kernersville'is, N.C.
Jaapani ettevõte valis saidi, kuna see on võtmeklientide ja tarnijate jaoks hõlpsasti kättesaadav. 200 000 ruutmeetri suurune tehas avati äritegevuseks veebruari lõpus.
Komatsu is building excavators ranging from 8.5 tons to 55 tons at its new facility. The first two models are the PC210LC-10 and PC360LC-11, both Tier 4 Final excavators using selective catalytic reduction technology to meet emissions regulations.
One thing that hasn’t changed is that Komatsu excavators are still the workhorses of choice when it comes to heavy lifting jobs such as digging trenches or clearing land. What has changed are the number of ways these machines can be operated with precision and safety.
Komatsu sõnul on nende uusimad ekskavaatorimudelid varustatud täiustatud funktsioonidega, nagu automaatne tühikäigu väljalülitussüsteem, mis lülitab tühikäigul töötava mootori automaatselt välja viie minuti pärast; buldooseri laba kaugjuhtimissüsteem buldooseri laba juhtimiseks kabiinist seest või väljast; ja madalam saba pöörderaadius.

Komatsu PC650LC-11-The PC650LC-11 can handle any task with ease while being fuel efficient enough to save money on fuel costs when compared to other machines like it. We hope you enjoy your new machine as much as we do!
PC650LC-11 on suurim Komatsu saadaolev ekskavaator, mis kaalub ilmatu 482 150 naela. PC650LC-11 jõuallikaks on Tier 4 Final nõuetele vastav Komatsu SAA6D170E-5 mootor, mis toodab 532 hobujõudu kiirusel 1900 p/min. See masin kasutab KomVisioni süsteemi, et tagada operaatorile töökoha 360-kraadine nähtavus, ja sellel on uus intelligentne masinajuhtimissüsteem (iMC), mis annab operaatoritele tööde lõpetamisel eelise. Tänu oma pikale ulatusele ja suurtele kaevamisjõududele saab PC650LC-11 hõlpsalt hakkama mis tahes ülesandega, olles samas piisavalt kütusesäästlik, et säästa teiste sarnaste masinatega võrreldes raha kütusekuludelt. Loodame, et naudite oma uut masinat sama palju kui meie!
On the job site and on the road, the PC650LC-11 has the power and speed to get more done in less time.
The PC650LC-11 has been designed with a new cab that improves operator comfort and also features a high-resolution color monitor that delivers integrated machine information. The result is greater production and efficiency on the job site.
Komatsu PC650LC-11-Pros: Smooth operation, intuitive controls make operating easy regardless of experience level. It also has an excellent engine design which means low emissions and less noise pollution than other models available on the market today.
Pros: Smooth operation, intuitive controls make operating easy regardless of experience level. It also has an excellent engine design which means low emissions and less noise pollution than other models available on the market today.
The Honda EU2000i provides 1,600 watts of power from a single 120V outlet. The unit is fully compliant with CSA and EPA standards, making it extremely safe to use.
The unit is also powered by a GX100 four-stroke engine, which means low emissions and less noise pollution than other models available on the market today.
Pros: Smooth operation, intuitive controls make operating easy regardless of experience level. It also has an excellent engine design which means low emissions and less noise pollution than other models available on the market today.
Komatsu PC650LC-11-Weight makes transport difficult without proper care during loading/unloading periods (i.e., not using a forklift) and there’s no way around this issue without additional equipment being purchased separately from Komatsu at time of purchase if desired by customer. This can lead to higher costs down the line for those who may need extra help moving their equipment due to its weightiness.” – Customer Review
Weight makes transport difficult without proper care during loading/unloading periods (i.e., not using a forklift) and there’s no way around this issue without additional equipment being purchased separately from Komatsu at time of purchase if desired by customer. This can lead to higher costs down the line for those who may need extra help moving their equipment due to its weightiness.” – Customer Review
The Komatsu PC138USLC-10 hydraulic excavator comes with an operating weight of 31,430 pounds, which means it will be able to handle the toughest jobs. The cab has been designed for optimal visibility in all directions and features an adjustable seat that tilts up or down depending on what you need from your work environment. This machine is perfect for any construction site that needs a heavy-duty piece of equipment to get things done right away!
We have a great variety of products for many different industries. We have been in business for over 30 years and offer a complete list of services as well.
„See on ideaalne toode kõigile, kes peavad langetama puid, raiuma puitu ja töötama ehitusplatsidel. See sobib suurepäraselt ka neile, kes peavad regulaarselt raskusi tõstma. Kuid see toode on väga raske ja töötab kõrgemate tegevuskuludega kui mõned tema konkurendid.