Meet the Linde HPR-01,the World's Most Advanced Hydraulic Pump
The Linde HPR-01 is a hydraulic pump that is designed to be used in an environment where cleanliness and precision are paramount. The pump is capable of producing pressures up to 9,000 psi and flows up to 1,000 gpm. It is built on a single axis with no moving parts, making it ideal for use in high pressure applications that require very precise control over flow rates.
The Linde HPR-01 combines a compact design with the highest level of performance and flexibility. It allows you to handle demanding applications with ease. The system can be adapted to your specific needs and deliver outstanding performance in your application. You can even choose between different flow rates for maximum efficiency and cost savings.
Linde HPR-01 Hydraulic Pump has launched a new pump that delivers more power and is more efficient than anything else on the market.
The new Linde Hydraulics INLINE HP pump series incorporates several technological innovations that produce higher pressure, greater flow and lower consumption of electricity compared to existing models.
Linde’s new inline HP pumps are the result of extensive research and development in engine technology, hydraulic systems, materials science and electronics. The result is a high-performance hydraulic system that can be installed easily in existing machinery or machinery being built from scratch.
These pumps are suitable for use in all types of industrial machinery, from heavy equipment to agricultural machines and everything in between. They can also be used for mobile applications such as cranes or excavators.

The HPR-01 is the world’s first motor-driven Piston Pump.
The HPR-01 has a compact design with a maximum displacement of 8cc and can be used for high pressure applications, including nano-fluidics, high viscosity fluids, or high velocity liquids. The piston pump can be driven by an external AC or DC motor to achieve maximum throughput of up to 2ml/min at a pressure of 300psi. The design of the HPR-01 allows for easy integration into existing systems, providing an alternative to existing microfluidic devices.
The HPR-01 features a high pressure piston pump that can handle up to 2,000 psi (pounds per square inch) of pressure and 100 GPM (gallons per minute) flow rate. This makes it ideal for handling large amounts of water from wells, lakes or rivers.
This pump is powered by an electric motor that generates up to 2 HP (horsepower). It comes standard with a 600 watt/1200 watt generator that can be used in place of an engine. The electric motor runs off standard 110 VAC power so no additional equipment is required on your end.
The HPR-01 works in two different ways, depending on the needs of your operation.
If you need a way to smooth rough edges on a part or thin strip, the HPR-01 can be used as a standalone grinder. When using this mode, the abrasive wheel rotates at 4500 RPM and removes material from your workpiece at a rate of 150 mm/min (6 inches/minute). This is enough speed to remove any burrs or irregularities from your workpiece.
If you need to grind down a large amount of material quickly, then you can use the HPR-01 as an edger. In this mode, the abrasive wheel only rotates at 20 RPM and removes material from your workpiece at a rate of 300 mm/min (12 inches/minute). This makes it ideal for removing large amounts of material quickly so as not to overheat your tool bit or cause it to dull prematurely.
In tandem mode, the HPR-01 can generate up to 105 cubic inches per revolution at a pressure of 3,400 psi.
The HPR-01 works in tandem with any other high pressure pump to create a system capable of generating over twice the output of any other single unit pump on the market.
By using two pumps together, you can create a system capable of producing up to 2,100 psi of air pressure at 105 cubic inches per revolution. This allows you to use multiple tools at once without having to sacrifice power or efficiency for each tool’s needs.
In load response mode, the HPR-01 generates up to 300 cubic inches per revolution at 1,450 psi.
The HPR-01 is a forced-response, variable-pressure regulator that uses an external pump for pressure generation. The HPR-01 has a unique load response mode (load control) that allows it to be used in applications that require slow, smooth changes in flow rate. The HPR-01 can also be used in standard pressure regulator applications where rapid changes in flow rates are required.
In load response mode, the HPR-01 generates up to 300 cubic inches per revolution at 1,450 psi. This means that when the pump runs at full speed (10,000 rpm), the output pressure is 50 psi greater than the setpoint pressure. This makes it easy to set up a stable flow rate with little or no overshoot.
The HPR-01 can be configured for either fixed or variable flow rate operation by selecting one of two options on the front panel: load response mode or load control mode (see Figure 1). When operating in load response mode, the pump generates up to 300 cubic inches per revolution at 1,450 psi and this pressure is then applied directly to the downstream device (e.g., actuator).
The HPR-01 is approved for use with Linde’s high pressure piston pump hydraulic fluid.
The HPR-01 is a high pressure piston pump hydraulic fluid filter that protects the engine from contamination by dirt, water and biological matter. The HPR-01 can be used in all types of LPG fuel systems and applications requiring an air bleed valve to be fitted.
The HPR-01 is designed to fit into an existing oil sump or tank, eliminating the need for an additional vessel. The design allows for easy installation, maintenance and replacement of cartridges without dismantling any components of the system.
The HPR-01 is suitable for use in all types of farm machinery including tractors, harvesters and sprayers.

This is the most powerful Linde HPR-01 Pump on the market today and will help your operation succeed.
The PowerPump is the most powerful hydraulic pump on the market today and will help your operation succeed. The PowerPump is engineered for high-pressure, high-flow applications. It is ideal for use in agricultural and industrial markets, where hose diameters range from 2-inch to 4-inch and pressures are up to 12,000 psi.
The PowerPump may be used as a stand-alone pump or as part of a system with other pumps and accessories. It can be used with hoses up to 2 inches in diameter at pressures of up to 12,000 psi (890 bar). The pump has a unique design that includes a balanced rotary vane design for high efficiency at all flow rates.
Overall, this is an impressively engineered pump that shows how much potential there is for future designs of hydraulic pumps. It’s able to handle the cooling system of a motorcycle while still having a superior flow rate and temperature range. Whether it’s implemented in new bikes or applied to older bikes, it looks like the Linde HPR-01 will be a welcome addition.