VMQ Series Vane Pumps from Vickers
Vickers VMQ series vane pumps are positive displacement, single shaft rotary lobe pumps with a minimum discharge head of 50 m. The pump is designed for use in water supply and wastewater applications, including sludge handling, pumping water from deep wells and municipal projects. The pump is available in 6 models ranging from 80 to 350 kW, with flow rates up to 1000 m3/hr.
The VMQ Series pump is powered by an electric motor that drives the rotor through a mechanical coupling. The rotor is mounted on the end of an eccentric shaft which connects it to the volute casing through a floating bearing system. The rotor spins freely within its housing and drives the volutes by pushing against them through centrifugal force.
O Vickers VMQ Series vane pumps Eaton offer a range of benefits and advantages to industrial users.
The VMQ series vane pumps are centrifugal pumps with an in-line design featuring a rotating impeller. The unique vane rotor is mounted in the pump shaft with a double row of ball bearings. This allows for high inertia while maintaining positive displacement flow characteristics. The pump also features an external volute casing made of stainless steel or cast iron to protect against corrosion and wear.
The VMQ series vane pumps are designed for use in water and wastewater applications as well as applications such as chemicals, food processing and pharmaceuticals. They are available in a variety of sizes (from 1/4 HP up to 10 HP) and feature either open or closed impeller designs with capacities ranging from 50 gpm up to 1350 gpm (1 m3/min).

The VMQ Series vane pump is designed for use in a wide range of industries, making it an ideal choice for applications needing hydraulic pressure up to 3500 psi.
The VMQ Series vane pump is designed for use in a wide range of industries, making it an ideal choice for applications needing hydraulic pressure up to 3500 psi. The vane pump has been designed with an integrated check valve to prevent fluid from flowing back into the reservoir when the pump stops. This feature helps prevent damage to the pump or reservoir and prolongs the life of your equipment.
These vane pumps are heavy-duty and suitable for use in applications requiring high performance levels and low noise operation.
The VMQ series of vane pumps features a compact tank design with high efficiency, low noise, compact size and reliable operation. It provides excellent pumping characteristics for liquids with viscosities up to 3000 cSt (centistokes). The narrow pressure range makes it suitable for use as a vacuum pump or blower.
The VMQ series uses a single-stage cut-off to ensure that there is no possibility of cavitation occurring during normal operation. The pump is capable of operating at speeds up to 1750 rpm, but can be run at lower speeds if desired by use of the speed control valve located on the front of the turbine housing. This valve controls the amount of air supplied to the motor drive shaft which determines how fast it will turn. The faster it spins, the more air is required to turn it at higher speeds. To maintain maximum efficiency while providing optimum capacity ratings at various flow rates and head pressures, we recommend using an external flow control device such as our Model FCR Flow Control Valve or Model FCS Pressure Control
The VMQ Series offers a wide range of mounting styles and shaft configurations, ensuring compatibility with existing equipment.
The VMQ Series is designed to offer the highest reliability with a full 3-year warranty. The VMQ Series is available in both open and closed impellers, as well as external and internal gear pumps.
Vickers’ VMQ Series Vane Pumps are designed for applications that require high levels of performance with low noise and vibration levels. The gearless design ensures that the pump operates without any mechanical parts in contact with the fluid being pumped, resulting in minimal wear and tear on the components over time.
To ensure reliability, these vane pumps are built with a one piece center block and double lip seals on the rotors to reduce shaft end play.
The VMQ series of vane pumps are designed for use in high pressure applications where long life and high volumetric efficiency is required. These units are available in capacities ranging from 0.25 gpm to 1 gpm and can operate at pressures up to 80 psig (5 bar). The VMQ pumps feature a compact design which allows them to be installed close to the point of use or in tight spaces that would otherwise be inaccessible. They also have an integral check valve on each discharge port which prevents backflow when pumping liquids that may contain solids such as solids free lubricating oils, glycol based coolants or water based coolants. The check valves prevent liquid from leaking out of the pump while it is not being used because they automatically close when there is no flow through the discharge port.
The VMQ vane pumps utilize two vanes mounted on a single rotor shaft which allow them to pump liquids without requiring any moving parts on their own shafts like other types of positive displacement pumps do (such as piston type.
O Vickers VMQ Series pumps is manufactured under ISO 9001:2000 quality standards and meets the latest international specifications for vane pumps.
The VMQ Series of vertical multi-stage centrifugal pumps are designed for use in both wet and dry applications. These high efficiency pumps are available with a variety of impeller designs to meet any application. The VMQ Series is rated to operate at speeds up to 1650 RPM, and can be used as a replacement for any other manufacturer’s pump with an equivalent operating speed and flow rate.
The VMQ Series has been designed to provide a direct drop-in replacement for most standard centrifugal vane pumps. The pump body features a machined aluminum casing with a stainless steel shaft and bronze impeller hub which provides superior corrosion resistance in harsh chemical environments. Each pump is equipped with either an open or enclosed volute casing, which allows easy access for service without disassembly of the pump casing or volute assembly during routine maintenance procedures.

To learn more about Eaton/Vickers VMQ series vane pumps, contact Hydraulic Supply Company.
Eaton/Vickers VMQ series vane pumps are designed for use in the high-pressure, low-flow pumping of industrial fluids. These pumps feature a compact design and offer up to three times the efficiency of traditional centrifugal pumps.
The Eaton/Vickers VMQ series vane pump is ideal for applications that require high flow rates at low pressures. The pump’s unique design allows it to operate at very low speeds, resulting in high efficiency and low noise levels. The Eaton/Vickers VMQ series vane pump is available in a variety of sizes ranging from 1/2HP up to 50HP. Each model features an aluminum housing with stainless steel internals that resist corrosion and wear while providing years of reliable service.
VMQ series vane pumps are designed to meet the most demanding pumping applications. They have been designed to withstand higher temperatures and pressures than other vane pumps, allowing them to be used in a variety of environments. To learn more about Eaton/Vickers VMQ series vane pumps, contact Hydraulic Supply Company.