I mean, I know it sounds pretty straight forward, but maybe you are wondering if you are doing it correctly or if there is something else involved. Let me take a few moments to explain in depth how to check your hydraulic oil on a CAT 308 excavator and what to look for that could signal problems.
1. Open the engine compartment door and look at the hydraulic fluid tank. The oil level should be close to the top of the filler neck
Open the cat 308 excavator engine compartment door and look at the hydraulic fluid tank. The oil level should be close to the top of the filler neck. If the fluid is below that line, detach the filler cap and add enough new hydraulic fluid to bring the level up to the neck. Close the compartment door.
Start up the engine and wait for it to warm up. Move all of the controls several times to circulate fresh oil throughout all of them. Shut down the engine and open up the access door one more time. Look at your hydraulic fluid level again; it may have dropped slightly. Add more fluid if needed and close the access door for good this time.
2. Check the oil level on an older model of a Caterpillar excavator. Look at the dipstick that is located at the rear of the engine compartment. The oil level should be within 1/2 inch from the top of the filler neck
Add oil to this system if necessary. Use only a high-quality, multigrade lubricating oil with a minimum API service classification of CF-4, and an SAE viscosity classification of 10W40. If you are uncertain about what type of oil to use, consult your Caterpillar dealer or distributor.
The hydraulic system has a separate tank. Check this tank before using the machine for any length of time. The hydraulic fluid must be level with the top mark on this tank’s dipstick. If you have to add fluid, use Caterpillar Hydo Oil 46 or an equivalent product.
3. Start the engine and let it warm up for a few minutes. Turn on a few hydraulic functions
Attach the diagnostic cable to the data link connector on the excavator. The data link connector is normally located in the engine compartment. If no connector can be found, check the operator’s manual for its location.
Turn on the laptop computer and start Cat ET software program.
Plug in the diagnostic cable to the PC port of the computer. Turn on power for the diagnostic tool by pressing its power button.
Select the correct communication port from Cat ET screen drop down list. Click „Establish Communication“ from Cat ET screen „Communication“ menu item to establish communication with excavator ECM (Electronic Control Module).
4. Recheck the oil level in both tanks on newer models and in the large tank for older models. Make sure it is within 1/2 inch from the fill point. Add more oil only as needed
Locate the oil tank on the excavator. There will be a dipstick that is used to check the oil level in it.
Pull out the dipstick and wipe it off with a clean rag. Reinsert it into the hole until you feel it hit bottom. Pull it back out and look at the level of oil on the dipstick.
If the level is too high, wipe both sides of the dipstick with a clean rag before reinserting it. If you don’t do this, you might have an inaccurate reading.
Recheck the cat 308 excavator oil level in both tanks on newer models and in the large tank for older models. Make sure it is within 1/2 inch from the fill point.
5. Wipe off any spills with a rag and dispose of it properly to prevent environmental contamination
Wipe off cat 308 excavator any spills with a rag and dispose of it properly to prevent environmental contamination. If you have to change the hydraulic fluid, make sure you have the correct fluid type and capacity. Check the owner’s manual for replacement fluid type, fluid capacity and the procedure for changing the fluid.
Look under the hood at all hoses and fittings for signs of wear or damage. Replace worn or damaged parts as needed. Examine the engine oil level and add if necessary. Check all electrical connections on the engine and battery terminals are tight, clean and free of corrosion. Inspect wiring harnesses for damage, wear or abrasion that could lead to a short circuit or electrical failure during operation.
Check air filter element condition; replace if necessary. Monitor engine temperature regularly with a temperature gauge, if equipped. Make sure your radiator is clean inside and out and check hoses for leaks or damage.
Check all fire extinguishers for pressure on a monthly basis, test them periodically to ensure proper functionality, and replace them if they become outdated.

It’s straightforward to check and add hydraulic fluid to your Caterpillar excavator if you need to do that
check the level with a straightedge, a board, a ruler or anything like that, lay it across the top of the dipstick. If you are below the full mark, you can add more hydraulic fluid. Just add it right here at the fill cap on top of this tank. In this case we have to add some fluid so we are going to get the cap off. This is full so we will not be able to get any more in.
Here is our fluid, it is recommended that you use CAT HYDO Advanced 10, we will pour some in until we get up close to the full mark on our dipstick. Put your cap back on and tighten it up.
cat 308 excavator straightforward to check and add hydraulic fluid to your Caterpillar excavator if you need to do that.