bobcat electrical problems and solutions pdf download this is a guide to all bobcat 863 tractor operators in the industy today. we published electrical problems and guides related with bogie system, vcom system,combination meter, battery charging/alternator regulator system etc.
Electrical problem with Bobcat 863
I have a Bobcat 863 that has an electrical problem. There is not a red light / green light switch on the machine, however there is a switch to show the battery voltage. Sometimes it will work and sometimes it will not. When it does work I can get the machine started. When it does not I cannot get the machine started. The starter is turning, but not engaging.
The electric fuel solenoid works, and I can feel a slight vibration from the solenoid itself when the key is turned to start. I’m wondering if there’s a problem with the ignition switch or maybe something in the wiring harness?
Bobcat 863 electrical faulty switch problem
I have a Bobcat 863 that is acting up. We have a few of them. The problem one is the oldest one. The problem I am having is when the machine starts up it seems to be in high gear and will not go into any other gear. We have had this problem before so we changed the seat switch and it seemed to help but not fix the problem.
Today while using it, it started up again then shut off and would not start back up. When we tried to start it back up, there was no power anywhere on the machine, no lights or anything. There was power going to the fuse box but not out of it at all.
We checked all fuses and replaced the ones we thought were bad but still nothing. We also jumped out bypassed ignition switch and still nothing. We then did a continuity test on each wire coming from fuse box to make sure there was no breaks in wires or corrosion on terminals or plugs. Everything was good there as well.
Then we checked each individual fuse holder by pulling them out and testing for power going in and out of fuse holder with continuity tester and found no power going through any of them even though they all look good (not corroded).
Bobcat 863 problem with the ignition switch
The ignition switch on a Bobcat 863 can be a little tough to get out. If you’ve ever had to do it, you’ll remember how much of a pain it can be!
One of the most common problems with the Bobcat 863 is that the ignition switch wears out and needs to be replaced. I’ve seen many people who have had this problem, but haven’t fixed it because they don’t know how to get the old one out!
It’s not hard, but you will need some tools to do it. The first thing you’ll need is a screwdriver and a pair of pliers or wire cutters (preferably both). Second, you’ll want something that has an edge on it like a knife or screwdriver tip so that when you’re twisting around trying to get at the screws in there you won’t hurt yourself!
Now let’s talk about how this works: When your ignition switch wears out, it loses its ability to connect with other parts in order to power them up. This means that your car won’t start or run as well as before because everything else depends on those connections being made correctly!
Bobcat 863 electrical wiring diagram
Bobcat 863 electrical wiring diagram is one of raised topic at this time. We know it from google engine statistics like adwords or google trends. In an effort to provide beneficial info to our audience, weve attempted to obtain the nearest relevance pic about bobcat 863 electrical wiring diagram. And here you will see now, this picture have already been extracted from trustworthy resource.
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If a red light is flashing on your Bobcat 863, use a quick counteraction to stop the engine
Step 1: Gain access to the engine compartment by opening the hood of your Bobcat. Locate the engine compartment covers along either side of the engine compartment. Remove all four covers by loosening the screws with a screwdriver and pulling the covers off one at a time.
Step 2: Find the wires that are connected to the battery in your Bobcat. They are located under a plastic cover, so you will need to lift it up to gain access to them. Disconnect each of these wires from the battery one at a time. You should see two black wires and one green wire. Start with the green wire and unscrew it from its connection point on the battery using pliers in order to disconnect it completely.
Step 3: Examine each of these wires closely for signs of damage or corrosion that could be causing an electrical malfunction in your Bobcat 863’s engine. If there is any damage or corrosion, make sure you remove it completely with sandpaper or steel wool before.

Troubleshoot the engine if the Bobcat 863 engine oil pressure light comes on
The Bobcat 863 is a skid steer loader manufactured by the Bobcat company. It has a lift capacity of 1,000 pounds and a maximum operating weight of 3,850 pounds. When the engine oil pressure light comes on, check for any problems with the engine oil level or the hydraulic fluid level. If the levels are normal, then follow these steps to troubleshoot your engine.
Step 1
Examine the area around the Bobcat’s engine oil fill tube for leaks. The engine oil fill tube is located on top of the Bobcat’s engine in front of the operator’s seat. Check for any cracks or holes in the tube and tighten loose connections if necessary. If you find no visible signs of leakage, move to Step 2.
Step 2
Start up the Bobcat’s engine and observe the operation of your gauge oil pressure gauge while idling. Make sure that it displays at least 4 psi of pressure at an idle speed (the minimum amount required by the manufacturer). If it does not display this much pressure, then there is a problem with your oil pump. Shut down your engine and move to Step 3.
Step 3
Remove your dipstick from inside your Bobcat and check that its O-ring seal is properly seated.