We spent years perfecting our bobcat 763 lift and tilt, but we weren’t prepared for all the problems that came along with it. In this article, we are going to discuss some of the problems that have been brought to our attention and provide possible solutions for hazards. Hopefully you can use some of them to fix your bobcat 763 lift and tilt.
bobcat 763 tilt sensor adjustment
I fixed the tilt sensor on my machine and I hope this helps someone else who is having similar problems on their Bobcat. What happens is that the sensor gets out of adjustment, usually from hitting a stump or something with the front end.
Remove the bolts holding the battery box in place and remove it (4 bolts).
Remove the bolt that holds the sensor to the frame (1 bolt) and remove it.
Remove the nut holding the sensor to its bracket (1 nut) and move it around on its mounting bracket until you get a reading close to zero with the machine level side to side. Re-assemble everything and you’re done.
It’s probably best to do this when you’re changing your hydraulic filter since you have to drain some of your hydraulic fluid anyway.
bobcat 763 tilt cable adjustment
Bobcat 763 Tilt Cable Diagram. Bobcat 763 tilt cable diagram you are welcome to our site this is images about bobcat 763 tilt cable diagram posted by brenda botha in bobcat category on jun 16 2019. Bobcat 763 parts diagram downloaddescargar com click image to see an enlarged view skid steer parts for bobcat case john deere new holland komatsu and more.
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You must remove all the air from the system before trying to adjust the cables. The adjustment procedure can be found in your owners manual or call your local dealer and get them to fax you one.
bobcat 763 lift lock-out valve adjustment
The lift lock out valve is located on the top of the largest cylinder at the rear of the machine. It has a sprocket attached to it and is normally adjusted with a small tool. I use a screwdriver that fits in the adjustment slot.
To adjust, start with the valve in the full down position. This is the position you should be using if your machine has just been serviced. The top of the valve should be flush with the top of the cylinder. If it’s not, it may be over extended, causing it to raise slowly. Or if it has been adjusted downward, it will cause premature raising of the bucket.
If your machine is lifting sluggishly, you can unscrew (counter clockwise) until you feel resistance and then continue to back off another 1/8th turn or so. You may have to raise and lower it several times before you get it right.
Once you’ve made your adjustment, check for any leaks around this area since removing this cover could have allowed some dirt or dust to get into your hydraulic system.
bobcat 763 main lift control valve o-ring replacement
when replacing the main lift control valve o-rings on a bobcat 763, ensure that you do not get hydraulic fluid or grease on the o-ring surfaces, as this will cause your o-rings to fail prematurely. If grease or hydraulic fluid gets on the o-ring surface, clean it with acetone or some other solvent, and allow it to dry before installing your new o-ring.
when removing the main lift control valve from the bobcat 763, take care not to damage any of the solenoids or wires that are connected to the valve. If you have an air compressor available, use an air hose and blow all of the dust and debris out of the cavities before installing new o-rings. This will help ensure that your new o-rings are not damaged by debris when you are installing them into the valve body.

bobcat 763 lift arm seal replacement
i posted a question about a week ago about a leak in my lift arm on my 763. well i finally got around to fixing it yesterday and today. what i found was the there are two seals in the lift arm. one at the top and one at the bottom. the top seal was fine but the bottom seal had several holes in it and was leaking hydraulic fluid.
the trick to getting the seals out is to take a small punch or nail, put some grease on it, then push it through the center hole of each seal and hit it on both sides of the hole with a hammer until you push the seal out. once you get them out make sure you clean all of the old grease and debris out of where they go before putting new seals back in.
i also flushed out my hydraulic system completely with diesel fuel while i had everything apart. after putting everything back together, i filled my hydraulic reservoir with new hydraulic fluid (about 4 gallons) and let it run for about 20 minutes before shutting it off to check for leaks. so far so good!
These are some troubleshooting and repair ideas for bobcat 763 lift and tilt problems
These are some troubleshooting and repair ideas for bobcat 763 lift and tilt problems.
The Bobcat Company has made a name for itself in the construction industry by producing high-quality, innovative loaders, excavators and other machines. The Bobcat 763 skid steer loader is no exception to the company’s reputation for quality equipment. For those unfamiliar with skid-steer loaders, they are small to medium-sized machines with hydraulic arms that can be attached to different tools. They can be used in a variety of construction settings, from commercial building construction to landscaping and snow removal.
For the most part, Bobcat 763s are reliable machines that require little maintenance or repairs. However, like any machine, there are certain things that can go wrong with them; when it does, it’s important to know what to do. With a few helpful troubleshooting tips, you should be able to get your Bobcat 763 working again in no time.